id you know there was one? Mary's friend said the same. Google "Castle in Colorado Springs". Glenn Eyrire came up. http://www.gleneyrie.org/ . It's this beautiful castle built in the late 1800's early 1900's.
Our trek took us through the Garden of the God's - always amazingly beautiful to seeGod's handiwork. Glen Eyrie ended up being fascinating and will end up being our next Widows trip. We weren't able to go into the castle. On the weekends it is a Christain Retreat. They offer High Tea after their morning tour. Sounds like fun to me.
Temples. The Catholic Chapel has a beautiful mosaic mural. It ended up being a most enjoyable trip ending with of course our "McDonald's small ice cream cone" because they only asked twice "Are we there yet?"
Oh and we stepped out in our wildness Thursday night and decided to try our luck at Lotto. I wouldn't usually even think about it but was feeling a little lucky. The tour at Aneheiser Busch got me to try the Lime Budlight who happended to be having a drawing for a 19" LCD TV. I don't usually bother with drawings - it takes too long and I don't win anyway. This time I decided to step outside and guess what? I WON. So we each invested $1 and then got so excited about the prospect of winning anything stepped it up to $2. We will all be waiting patiently for Saturday nights drawing. Are we winners? You know even if not one ticket wins any cash we are all still winners because we have learned to sing (even if it is off key) and dance to life and whatever it sends our way!!!!