And it's time. Life gives us all kinds of curves and bumps but there always comes a point when you realize life is a choice. Everyday. We can choose the life filled with joy or a cloudy existence. I chose "Sonshine". Soooo........ that means it's time for a Widows trip. Our initial destination will be Colorado Springs. It's amazing when the "Almighty" is the travel planner how something so sure one day can do a complete turn around the next. Who know's where we will end up. Someone may make a comment "Have you seen...............?" and our destination will change. The beauty in being flexible.
The Broadmor Hotel we've heard is supposed to be a beautiful place to visit, especially at Christmas. Unfortunately they don't have rooms to sleep six and we would miss our late night talks if we split up, so maybe just a nice lunch visit..
With the sun going down so early hopefull we will be able to see some of the Christmas lights & decorations on our way trip through town. Of course our regular stop to McDonald's will be on the list and a new restaurant to try. But most important of all is the company we share.
When asked if she wanted to go on a trip one of my widows commented that we couldn't go at such a sad time dealing with the loss of my brother. I told her why not? Her concern for our Mom losing her first child was there. We have to embrace life and not let things keep us from living. We have to remember those loved ones lives not dwell in their death. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the sun .......3:4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,a time to mourn and a time to dance." Time to put on our dancing shoes and share a few tears.
The Wild Widows are on the move.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saying Goodbye
This isn't really about the Wild Widows but it does deserve a post. Besides three of the 6 wild ones were along for the ride. I told about the loss of my brother but didn't tell you the most wonderful trip we made just weeks before he died.
When Dan (my brother) would be in such severe pain there were times he would call for his "Moma". He and his wife live in Tempe, AZ. Late one night his wife called to see if there was any way we could get my Mom to talk to him. Maybe bring him some comfort. It was so beautiful how our God puts things in motion. All during the night I kept hearing "Check flights". It would not go away. Now we had already reserved a 15 passenger van to go and visit them the following week. On that Friday they did not know if he would make it until then. Saturday morning we decided to explore our options. I truly love how our Lord puts things together. We found one way flights for $79. We booked them, caught a flight that night and spent the next week by his side.
He was able to tell his moma he loved her and she him.
The rest of the family arrived on Friday with the van.
The most beautiful thing is of the 16 children, 12 made the trip(along with 2 in-laws and I nephew) to say their goodbyes at this time. What a beautiful celebration.
When Dan (my brother) would be in such severe pain there were times he would call for his "Moma". He and his wife live in Tempe, AZ. Late one night his wife called to see if there was any way we could get my Mom to talk to him. Maybe bring him some comfort. It was so beautiful how our God puts things in motion. All during the night I kept hearing "Check flights". It would not go away. Now we had already reserved a 15 passenger van to go and visit them the following week. On that Friday they did not know if he would make it until then. Saturday morning we decided to explore our options. I truly love how our Lord puts things together. We found one way flights for $79. We booked them, caught a flight that night and spent the next week by his side.
He was able to tell his moma he loved her and she him.
The rest of the family arrived on Friday with the van.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Another one joins the ranks
I am sorry to say we hand another wife join the ranks of "widow". My older brother (#2) died Tuesday of multiple myleoma. He was only 63. I remember when that was old. 63 is not the far from 55. He was blessed with a son and daughter and 4 beautiful granddaughters. As #8 of the sixteen it makes us sad to think, whenever we take a family picture it will never be complete. We are no longer a full deck. But we delight in knowing our brother feels no more pain and he and our Dad and husbands are most likely "dancing with Jesus.......
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Autumn in Colorado
The colors did not disappoint us. It was truly a blessing to listen to my ladies oohing and ahhing at the most beautiful array of colors. The only one who oohed and ahhhed more was the driver. The 2 1/2 hour drive became closer to 3 1/2 because the driver(me) had to stop and take more pictures. We would come around a corner or over a hill and voila -splashes of color - meadows of yellow and green and then just for Aunt Bernice there would be the reds too. She asked if there was anyway we could get her some leaves. I take care of my ladies and just outside of Fairplay we found our red leaves. Hopefully this video will give you a glimpse of the beauty.
We ended our trip with our third trip to the Golden Arches. We never seen to tire of the creamy ice cream cones and the fact they are a meager $.59 addsto the fun.
We ended our trip with our third trip to the Golden Arches. We never seen to tire of the creamy ice cream cones and the fact they are a meager $.59 addsto the fun.
You know I always marvel at our trips. Our original plan was to stay in Alamosa. For some reason the hotels with rooms that would accomodate 6 people were already full. Thursday as we arrived in Salida at 7:00 we were glad that was our stopping point. Friday after driving down to San Luis, I have to say we were very thankful we weren't staying in Alamosa. It would have been a long trip on Thursday and another long day Saturday. We have learned to listen to that "still small voice" and believe we are being directed by a GOD who loves us and every trip proves it's true.
September is our third anniversay for "Widows Gone Wild". Never in all my wildest dreams would I have imagined the what was in store for us when it became time to leave my fulltime job to help care for Moma. Ignoring the nudging would have meant I would have missed the dance and as the song goes "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."
When the opportunity arises make sure you don't miss the dance..............................
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Best laid plans of mice and men?
So our ultimate goal was to visit "The Stations of the Cross in San Luis." The drive is beautiful and long. My widows were so excited to see them. We arrived in San Luis - the oldest town in Colorado and followed the signs. The Stations ended up being up a hill with stairs and not handicapped accessible. Hummm you would think whoever planned this trip (me) would have thought about that. But you know our motto - "It's not so much the destination but the company we keep." So what if we didn't see the Stations. We got to see the oldest town in Colorado.
The Sand Dunes did not disappoint anyone. It's just so amazing to look at these Dunes and realize the magnitude. 35 square miles. The tallest dune is 750'. The sand in one place is over 350' deep. Awesome.
The coolest thing though was the wheels they had for my Mom. We could take her out onto the Dunes. We didn't get very far. It's hard to walk on that sand and it was HOT.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fall is in the air
Oh what a beautiful time of the year and what a perfect time to travel through Colorado's mountains. Our trek took us up 285 through Conifer where we saw a few trees dotting the hills. It was fun to go through our old stomping grounds. As we went over Crow Hill the colors began to increase. But nothing compared to the beauty as we approached Kenosha Pass. We lived in Bailey for 19 years and I don't think we ever got to experience such vibrant colors and so much of them. Every where you looked greens, yellows and with the sun setting it made the yellows even brighter. The valleys and mountainside.
Bernice asked if there were any red aspens. The words no more came out of her mouth than our GOD gave her what she asked for. Reds, oranges, yellows. OH MY GOSH. GOD in all his splendor had decked out the mountains just for my widows (oh maybe for you too).
Ps 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path." He truly directed our path yesterday. The perfect path, the perfect time to truly enjoy the his beauty and majesty in the fall.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Like a child
How many days to left? I get so excited for these trips.
Instead of asking "Are we there yet?" my mind keeps asking "Is it time yet?". It seems that the biggest winner in these trips is me. The planning stages, the excitement, the waiting.
Watching the anticipation of these widows to see places they never thought they would and then the actuality. It truly fills my heart to the brim to see it. Of course the places we've been and things we have seen are amazing to me too!
Sometimes I almost feel like a child with that wide eyed excitement and anticipation, just like in the eyes of my widows...............
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Vehicle of my dreams......................................
What do you think? The sleek profile along with the classy blue stripe make it a dream vehicle for the Widows. The over sized back tires along with the white wheels just add to its beauty. BUT what really caught our eye was................... you got it, THE HANDICAPPED ACCESS!!!!
Unfortunately this one is sold. But it did get us to thinking. Three of my widows (don't you like my possessiveness?) are over the age of 80. My Mom is already pretty much wheelchair bound. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a vehicle that would have the low entry for my other widows plus the wheelchair access for my Mom PLUS 8 passengers. We could add 2 more to our group. Not that we are wanting anyone else to have to become one, there are plenty out there already.
Our next trip is planned, booked and we are ready to go. We are headed for the Sand Dunes and San Luis, for the Stations of the Cross. We will stay in Salida - they have a family room with 2 kingsize beds and a queen fold out. Oh and lots of room for visiting.
One of my widows said it really doesn't matter where we go or where we stay, it's just that we go!
Can't wait for the laughs, the astonishment's, the fun, the late night talks...............Oh and most important the McDonald's $.99 small ice cream cones.
Can't wait for the laughs, the astonishment's, the fun, the late night talks...............Oh and most important the McDonald's $.99 small ice cream cones.
Hummm I wonder how long it will be before we hear "Are we there yet?"
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Be Still and Know that I am GOD
Sitting here listening to the quiet I am reminded of the awesomeness of the GOD we serve. Yesterday listening to my widows made me think of all the pieces he puts together in our life. The Bible says "you knew me before I was formed in my Mother's womb"(Ps 138:14). GOD knows what is going to happen in our lives. He put me together with these women who needed a little laughter in their lives. It is such a tremendous joy to listen to them talk about our trips. The memories, the laughter, the excitement of seeing places they never thought they would see. We take so much for granted. Our next trip in September will be to the San Luis Valley. Three of the widows have never seen them. Oh what fun.
Bina asked if we had ever been to Mesa Verde. Another fun trip that would be.
Life is short - for some shorter than others. I am often reminded that GOD has created each and everyone of us "For such a time as this."(Esther 4:14) Becoming a Widow has always carried a stigma of sadness but GOD has show us that even in our sorrow we can rejoice in the life he has set before us. For indeed we do not know why but we do know he has created us "For such a time as this."
Love like you've never loved. Dance when you don't know why your dancing. Sing with joy. Enjoy life. When someone asks you "How are you?" answer with enthusiasm instead of humdrum.
And make sure to take time to "Be still and know that HE IS GOD.
Bina asked if we had ever been to Mesa Verde. Another fun trip that would be.
Life is short - for some shorter than others. I am often reminded that GOD has created each and everyone of us "For such a time as this."(Esther 4:14) Becoming a Widow has always carried a stigma of sadness but GOD has show us that even in our sorrow we can rejoice in the life he has set before us. For indeed we do not know why but we do know he has created us "For such a time as this."
Love like you've never loved. Dance when you don't know why your dancing. Sing with joy. Enjoy life. When someone asks you "How are you?" answer with enthusiasm instead of humdrum.
And make sure to take time to "Be still and know that HE IS GOD.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Most Excellent Surprise
As primary caregiver for our Matriarch Widow I never take advantage of time given when someone is in charge of her care. Tuesday's are one of my days off work and are enjoyed in the company of one of my children or grandchildren. Mary my sister and also a widow comes and stays with my Mom or She goes to her sister Lamie's house (also one of the widows) for a few games of King's Corner. So on Tuesday when Mary said she needed to get somethings done and would need me to be back home by 1:00 you could bet I would be there. After spending the morning with my daughter Jen and her precious son Eli, I rushed to be home at 1:00. Walking into the house the first thing I looked for was my Mom to be in her chair. She wasn't sitting there and Mary was also not around. The doors were open and Mary's car was in the driveway. Panic began to set in. "Where were they?"
Oh my gosh was I ever surprised. All my widows sitting there to celebrate my birthday. Words could not express the feelings while trying to recover. Most perfect surprise. Here were these women who share a very special part of my life sitting there to share my early birthday with me.
It's amazing, the cars parked on the street didn't register as didn't the 4 bags of peaches that were picked from the trees last night and were in the sink and on the counter top when I left but were now in the patio.
We ate a delicious lunch had brownies & ice cream - yummmmmmmmmmm.
Our conversations was once again controversial and I realized the instigator of some of the orneriness is not the youngest of the widows. Needless to say what happens when the widows get together stays where ever that is.
(If I would have known there was going to be a party I would have at least dressed for it!)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
One of our goals is to try a new restaurant each widows trip. It's funny how we have so many people offering us ideas. This time it was my Mom's CNA who suggested Giuseppe's Old Depot. Our family had been there a few times when the kids were small. We traveled a lot with Jim when he had business trips.
It's right by the railroad tracks so it tied in with our tour the next day. It's Italian food and good. A nice atmosphere and our waitress just added to our fun. When asked if they had a bathroom she answered "No. You have to go out behind the train." Our kind of fun.
Wild Wild Widows? |
Lamie & Bernice |
Mary & Connie |
Helen & Bina |
After Giuseppe's it was off to our hotel but not before we had our much anticipated "McDonald's small ice cream cone. The only problem was finding a McDonald's. Isn't there usually one on every corner. We had to go an extra 3 miles to find one but our Widow's informed me they had only asked "Are we there yet?" hum........ well, not that many times.
By the time we got to our hotel is was 9:30 way past my bedtime. Our much anticipated discussion time was not going to happen. Boy was I wrong. You get 6 women together, let alone these 6 women and there is going to be discussion. Politics are always a part of our fun. We all have our opinions and political affiliations. Sometimes they are quite opposite. We finally have all come to the agreement O J Simpson did it!
Discussion then went to the bible and our beliefs. Our ideas are sometimes so different. We grew up different times, different generations. Our discussions sometimes get a little heated but in the end it comes down to respect for one and other. We are always grateful that we end up all friends.
Our visiting times always seem take on the silly end. Guess we're just like little kids, the tireder (is that a word?) we get, the sillier we become. And by 1:30 in the morning we can be pretty silly. One widow asked me "Are you not afraid to do anything?"
You know my life has turned in so many different directions since becoming a widow that one thing is for sure,"Life is short" and of course "Laughter is the best medicine". And if you could only see and hear these widows laugh...... Best medicine I've have in a while. (Grandbabies excluded)
![]() |
Eli & Eden |
I would like to tell you what our laughter is about but we all know "WHAT HAPPENS ON THE WIDOWS TRIP STAY ON THE WIDOWS TRIP!"
Sunday, July 25, 2010
To the Castle We Went
Tea and a Tour. Doesn't that sound like a fine thing to do on a most beautiful Friday afternoon? We did it. Such a facinating and interesting tour.Glenn Eyrie in Colorado Springs. The Castle was built in the late 1800's by a gentleman who worked for the railroad.
Actually started the Denver Rio Grande. He bought over 20,000 acres in that area for $1.25 an acre. It later became Colorado Springs. The tea was fun, even if some of us can't hold our pinky up in the correct position and don't know if we are supposed to pick up the scone or cut with the fork & knife. Proper etiquite you know! It was all yummy no matter how we did it. Plus it is always fun to start up conversations with people when they ask about our group.
Six ladies with lavender boas and visors. Quite a sight. I know the reason we wear them. It is to show those people who are are grieving that it is OK to live. There was a lady there who had a tumor on her spine. She had to wear a brace to be able to walk. Her bones can just break so she was afraid to be around a crowds but she was having a good day and decided to get out and enjoy.
The old saying "Stop and smell the roses". We all need to do that. Things happen in our lives every day but if we look there is always a "silver lining".
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Guilty as Charged
I don't know about the rest of the widows but when I wasn't a widow sometimes it would come to my mind "I wish I could just do what I want, make decisions for myself blah blah blah" Sometimes you just want someone to tell you what to do. Today was one of those. A month ago one morning on the way to work I was pulled over by s sheriff. Now there was a day lead foot describe me. Always in a hurry. Those days are mostly behind me. I try to stay at the speed limit. Soon this morning I couldn't figure what I had done wrong. It seems they had posted a new sign.
He proceeded to give me a ticket with a $110 fine and 2 point defective vehicle violation if it was paid right away. Well in my mind it wasn't fair to not let me off with just a warning. The sign had only been up there not quite a month. You can imagine what went through my mind. The defective vehicle violation bothered me the most because in my mind whenever you see that it means "Speeding" and I wasn't. The decision to pay or fight took a lot of my time and energy. When I finally checked to see when it had to be paid it was already too late. I prayed for GOD to help me with the ticket. I rehearsed my dialogue with the DA or Judge whichever I would face. My biggest defense? It wasn't fair. They should have given me a second chance. Now after years of turning right on red do you know how hard it is to change?
Well today was court day. I continued to practice my defense but then decided I had asked GOD for help, and had to let him be my defense attorney. Showing up 45 minutes early was a wise choice. Sitting there enjoying the peace. Well my name was a called and I was given the opportunity to plead guilty or schedule a court date where they would call the officer. I stood there looking at the page. What do I do? Who can I ask? I can't make this decision on my own. To schedule a court date would mean more time off work let alone the mental stress of remembering when the next court date would be. But in the back of my mind was "It wasn't fair. You need to prove a point." Well I went back to my chair trying to make that decision. Finally after much prayer I heard that still small voice I had been ignoring. "Are you guilty? Did you do it?" My attorney (a.k.a. my Lord) reminded me I was guilty. I signed the paper, initialed where directed and headed down to pay the fine. I serve a mighty God and he walks with me every day. He lets me make my own choices and is there to forgive me when the choices are wrong. Well this day he rewarded me. No I didn't get out of the ticket but the fine instead of being higher for not paying it right away was lower. $72.50 instead of $110. His way of telling me I had listened and made the right choice.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
We're off to see the Wizard?
I woke up with that song in my mind, have no idea why. Maybe the excitement of another trip. Hearing the excitement in my widows voices. Who knows?
BUT we are off on another Widows trip. Thursday we head off not to see the wizard but to see Glenn Eyrie. The castle we drove by on our last trip.
We are actually going for the tour and tea. Won't that be fun for us Wild Widows? We will turn that castle upside down. NOT! (Can you guess I used to have teenagers? Oh yeah ,and do you remember talk to the hand? Oh my I am getting old.)
The asignment for our widows is to bring family pictures to share so everyone knows everyone. So what if we already do. It will be fun to share our hearts. Our hotel will be The Springhill Suites by Mariott. They say their rooms are 25% bigger. Sounds good to me!
Our Wild Widows in waiting.
Monday, July 12, 2010
As we age
Tonight I have to tell you about my Moma. She has a neurological condition in the parkinsons strain, one doctor called in supraneuclearpalsy or another called it corticobasaldegeneration. Our matriarch widow has lost most of the use of her right side and has begun to loose the left side too. After my Dad died a part of her did too and so this illness has taken away her independence and let me tell you she was INDEPENDENT. I know cause I am my Moma. Sometmes she says she is so done with the world but there
is still a partof her that loves life, even if she can't do what she used to.
She loves to spend time with her children, grandchildren and; great-children. She likes to go for drives and to movies.
Well the other day we decided to join my daughter Jen and her baby Eli at the pool. Getting in the pool for a basically wheelchair bound person is a trick but with careful movements we made it. The first couple of minutes were questionable. But a few minutes later she was off and walking. With aid of some foam barbells she had the ability to walk forward and back for over 30 minutes.
Quite an accomplishment for her and such a blessing of freedom and independence. For that time she forgot she couldn't walk without the aid of a walker and someone beside her..........
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Widow #6
My sister Mary was the last to join our group. She has suffered a little more and different grief than the rest of us. She became a widow December 19, 2009. Her husband Jerry died after a long battle with stomach cancer.
In August of 2004 she lost her youngest son. After spending over 5 months at the University Medical Center both day and night helping take care of Jerry, she took him home where he died not quite 2 months later. She too was a young widow and made the decision she would rather celebrate life than succumb to sorrow. Her first trip was with us to Ft. Collins and it didn't ake her long to become a Widow gone wild. At least as wild as we seem to be.
It amazes me how God has shown us, there are so many women (face it, it's a fact. We women definitely are outliving our male counterparts!) out there who do not know how to live after they have lost their husbands. A customer where I work called the other day and 2 years later was still having trouble finding a reason to live. She had attempted suicide. God has put us each hear for "Such a time as this", to show love to each other. To help those who are struggling to find a purposr. To laugh when it seems there is no reason. To dance when we feel like crying and to love when you can't imagine how.
Life is about living it to the fullest. Look for the rainbow after the rain. God keeps his promises, just like this rainbow. 2 full rainbows accross the eastern sky ..........There is a God.
In August of 2004 she lost her youngest son. After spending over 5 months at the University Medical Center both day and night helping take care of Jerry, she took him home where he died not quite 2 months later. She too was a young widow and made the decision she would rather celebrate life than succumb to sorrow. Her first trip was with us to Ft. Collins and it didn't ake her long to become a Widow gone wild. At least as wild as we seem to be.
It amazes me how God has shown us, there are so many women (face it, it's a fact. We women definitely are outliving our male counterparts!) out there who do not know how to live after they have lost their husbands. A customer where I work called the other day and 2 years later was still having trouble finding a reason to live. She had attempted suicide. God has put us each hear for "Such a time as this", to show love to each other. To help those who are struggling to find a purposr. To laugh when it seems there is no reason. To dance when we feel like crying and to love when you can't imagine how.
Life is about living it to the fullest. Look for the rainbow after the rain. God keeps his promises, just like this rainbow. 2 full rainbows accross the eastern sky ..........There is a God.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
And #7 is
I remember now what #7 is. God has blessed me with a song in my heart. I wake up in the morning to "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" and go to bed at night with another. Pick a word any word and I can tell you a song it is in. These days it takes my computer brain a little longer to search the memory banks but it still does work. We grew up to my Mom always singing. Especially the song "Detour - there's a muddy road ahead". I can't look at a detour sign and not think about it. The girl I work with shakes her head when I start singing a song to something she has just said. Some days I just can't keep from singing his praises for all the joy he has brought into my life. Yesterday was one of those days. In a small office a person singing completely off tune can be painful. Thank you Apple for Iphone and I tunes.
Most Beautiful Random Blogger Award
Thank you Colorado Belle for the most beautiful award. You know these blogs are a way to touch people we will never know or meet but in a the quiet times as we read they somehow become our friends. Now I have to come up with seven things you might not know about me. Hummmmmm.
1. I am blessed with 4 loving and caring children 2 boys & 2 girls, am a Nana to 2 beautiful grandbabies that brighten my day every time I see them or hear their voice, and am #8 in a family of 16. The middle child.
2. I have a dream (really there are quite a few) to run Avalon Healing Hearts Bed & Breakfast. A place where people can come and find peace and comfort while going through the grieving process. Some days I can feel it. I know God has a plan for it and it will include something for my widows.
3. I have read more books and watched more movies in the last 6 years than in the other 48 years of my life.
4. I would love to climb a 14er, is that how you spell it. Started hiking a couple of years ago and love enjoying God's beauty and majesty.
5. Piano - Ohhh someday I would love to learn to play one with 2 hands.
6. I have been to almost every state in th US except the Northeastern ones. Vermont or Connecticut in the late fall. Maine.
7. Now this one I haven't got it right yet. I tried 7 times to post it but it would go through so there must be something missing............... Will have to get back with that one.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What's in a name?
A little explanation about the post last week about wolves. When we began "Widows Gone Wild" it was more of a joke that stuck. Completely innocent. Someone we knew decided to take the name & grab the "Domain" rights. Not a big deal usually. One day we decided to just enter the domain name. Unfortunately the people who own the domain name have used it to link it to other sites. Not necessarily favorable ones and definitely now what we stand for or want people to think about us. My nephew was going to send them an official letter, a "Cease and Desist." We were told because when came up with the name, it belongs to us. Well it seems we are not the first to use the name. The other day there was a comment by someone who was concerned the post was meant for them and they mean no harm to our widows. Did you know there is, was, and may still be a band by the name of "Widows Gone Wild"? The song on My Space did not necessarily sound like widows but I am 54 what do I know?
SOOOOOO my question to those of you who read this (and will also go to my widows), what is in a name? Should we change our name? "Widows only" was suggested. What do you think?
SOOOOOO my question to those of you who read this (and will also go to my widows), what is in a name? Should we change our name? "Widows only" was suggested. What do you think?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
And then there were five..........
Bernice joined our group for our Yellowston Trip. She became a widow in 2002 and was married to my Dad's younger brother. My Aunt Bernice adds a different excitement to our trips. She is the first one to ask "Are we there yet?", which she happens to do about 10 minutes after our trip begins. She has definite opinion about religion and politics and isn't afraid to voice them. She makes us all think when we have our discussions. She keeps us all hoppin' and will soon be a great-great grandma! How's that for exciting.
Beware of wolves.
The world is full of very wonderful people. I as a widow have been blessed by people around me who encourage, support, love & protect me. They follow the bible when it says in Ps 68:5 to be defender of the widows" and 1Tim 5:4 to "honor widows". But there are also those who would chose to exploit them in the name of money.
We when began "Widows Gone Wild" it was done to help some grieving women to smile. There are people on the internet who have taken our name and would like to use it in a negative way. They want to take the innocence of our group away...... So please you widows beware of the wolves whether the coming sheep clothing or not!!!!!!!!
We when began "Widows Gone Wild" it was done to help some grieving women to smile. There are people on the internet who have taken our name and would like to use it in a negative way. They want to take the innocence of our group away...... So please you widows beware of the wolves whether the coming sheep clothing or not!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Week of Celebration
Just a little about the week I became a widow. The third week in May of 2004 had promised to be one of great celebration. Our daughter Jennifer was graduating from the University of Wyoming on Sautrday May 15 and the following week would be our oldest son Jeremy's wedding day. Sandwiched in the middle was our daughter Jamie's 19th birthday. That was how it was supposed to play out. And then the Big C hit. Jim's onocologist set his goal at having Jim healthy enough to go to Jen's graduation and Jeremy and Victoria's wedding. Things began to escalate with the cancer and by Thursday May 13th Jim was in the hospital to get some nourishment through IV's. We knew that was the answer. By this time the graduation was out but wedding was still a goal. Friday after came the news Jim would not be at the wedding. All the while we continued to pray for a miracle. The kids headed to Laramie for the Graduation. Later some friends picked me up and we headed to Laramie for the party. Saturday night we were surrounded by family and friends as Jim spoke his last words. By Monday he was moved to Hospice at Johnson's Corner an absolutely wonderful place. We still had a wedding happening and by Monday afternoon GOD in his infinite wisdom and love told me Wednesday would be my last day spending day and night with Jim. Thursday we would begin the wedding celebration. Little did we know that Wednesday would be Jim's last day here. He died at 9:10 a.m. That day was a day of tears, laughter and love as people came to show their respects for this man and his family. What a whirlwind the next few days were. Thursday memorial plans were made followed by a birthday celebration for Jamie. Wedding rehearsal came Friday night. Saturday was the wedding and a true witness to GOD's grace. We were able to sing, dance, cry but most of all celebrate this union. Sunday brought the memorial in a barn setting - how appropriate.

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Always something new on the horizon

id you know there was one? Mary's friend said the same. Google "Castle in Colorado Springs". Glenn Eyrire came up. . It's this beautiful castle built in the late 1800's early 1900's.
Our trek took us through the Garden of the God's - always amazingly beautiful to seeGod's handiwork. Glen Eyrie ended up being fascinating and will end up being our next Widows trip. We weren't able to go into the castle. On the weekends it is a Christain Retreat. They offer High Tea after their morning tour. Sounds like fun to me.
Temples. The Catholic Chapel has a beautiful mosaic mural. It ended up being a most enjoyable trip ending with of course our "McDonald's small ice cream cone" because they only asked twice "Are we there yet?"
Oh and we stepped out in our wildness Thursday night and decided to try our luck at Lotto. I wouldn't usually even think about it but was feeling a little lucky. The tour at Aneheiser Busch got me to try the Lime Budlight who happended to be having a drawing for a 19" LCD TV. I don't usually bother with drawings - it takes too long and I don't win anyway. This time I decided to step outside and guess what? I WON. So we each invested $1 and then got so excited about the prospect of winning anything stepped it up to $2. We will all be waiting patiently for Saturday nights drawing. Are we winners? You know even if not one ticket wins any cash we are all still winners because we have learned to sing (even if it is off key) and dance to life and whatever it sends our way!!!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
The bond we share
Destination Pueblo. We decided our final destination by hotel. Once again we are staying at a Cambria Suites. It works out so nice having an area we can sit and talk. And talk we do. Such colorful conversation. It you can imagine (30) 80 something women, (1) 70 something and (2) 50 something women and what we discuss. This trip for some reason our discussion centered around ***(sex). If you can imagine the difference in our lives. These women growing up during the depression and World Wars and never even talking about it. They got married young and surprise! Well my sister Mary and I grew up in a different time. We talk about IT. Sooooooooo we start talking, asking questions, laughing. OMG did we laugh. Did you know that you could get pregnant by kissing a boy? Or that you sitting on your boyfriends lap would do the same? I don't think that is how I got pregnant. I think they finally figured it out.
We talked about positions. You should have seen them blush. They never heard of such things. The more questions we asked the more they blushed and we laughed. The sissies in the next room actually banged on the wall. It was only 9:00. What were they thinking? It's been a while since I have laughed that hard. A couple of the widows made the comment it felt so good to laugh. They don't have the opportunity to do that much in their lives.
We talked about positions. You should have seen them blush. They never heard of such things. The more questions we asked the more they blushed and we laughed. The sissies in the next room actually banged on the wall. It was only 9:00. What were they thinking? It's been a while since I have laughed that hard. A couple of the widows made the comment it felt so good to laugh. They don't have the opportunity to do that much in their lives.
We talked about how we met our husbands and a little bit of what walking them through death felt like.
Mary and I talked later about why we enjoy these trips so much. We share one common bond. We may be sisters, nieces, aunts, moms, daughters, friends. But on these trips we are just women who happen to be widows.

The quote on this bag brought tears but it is something we all need to think about. "One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look to back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering!"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Eleven Kids almost as much as our family
Our fourth widow is Bina and became a widow in 2007. Her family consists of 4 boys and 7 girls. Bina & my Mom became friends when they were younger in Kansas. My Grandpa and her Dad were the best of friends. Moma and Bina attended the same Catholic church for years. They ended up being pregnant at the same time for 9 of their kids, always having the opposite sex of each other. When we took our first trip to Kansas she was right at home.

Our next trip was again inspired by her desire to see the Chapel at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Would you believe this was a trip we took in the 8th grade (what was that like 20 years ago?) for National Junior Honor Society. It will be an adventure for sure. Complete with non other than a stop to McDonald's for any widow who has not asked the unaskable question "Are we there yet?"
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Can you believe she's done this twice?
My Aunt Lamie - actually born Lambertine Younger - aka Pat, Skinny and a couple of other nicknames. She actually went down the widow trail twice. The first time in 1974 and the second in 2002. She has 4 kids (3 boys & 1 girl) and 7 grandkids. Aunt Lamie lived most of her life between California and Sedonia Arizona. When her husband Kenneth died in 2002 she thought she was coming to Colorado to die but has learned instead to live, laugh & dance as a widow.
On our trip to Kansas we had to search high and low for the ditch my grandparents found her in. You see Aunt Lamie is really tall and she tells us her Mom told her they found her in a basket in some ditch. She wanted to find her birthplace. Never did find the ditch but did find the farm where they were born. Well maybe not the whole farm but at least the foundation of the house and the barn.
It's fun to listen to their stories of life during and after the depression. Living through sandstorms that would eventually bring them to Colorado in a 1932 Whippit. Did you know there was even such a car as a Whippit? We actually googled it! So many more stories to tell and hear........................
On our trip to Kansas we had to search high and low for the ditch my grandparents found her in. You see Aunt Lamie is really tall and she tells us her Mom told her they found her in a basket in some ditch. She wanted to find her birthplace. Never did find the ditch but did find the farm where they were born. Well maybe not the whole farm but at least the foundation of the house and the barn.
It's fun to listen to their stories of life during and after the depression. Living through sandstorms that would eventually bring them to Colorado in a 1932 Whippit. Did you know there was even such a car as a Whippit? We actually googled it! So many more stories to tell and hear........................
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Party is not over just on hold
My widows are all safe and sound in their own houses once again. It turned out to be another great trip. We stayed at the Cambria Suites in Fort Collins. They are part of the Choice Hotel's. "The nicest yet." they thought. Very modern design and of course enough sleeping space for all six of us in one room. The talking went on until after midnight. Listening to these ladies talk is always so much fun. And talk they did. Kept telling them "Goodnight". Don't know why they didn't listen to me.
This hotel offers a breakfast buffet for $9.50. I was a little concerned because who of us can or should eat a buffet that costs that much. Scouted there area for alternative ideas for breakfast, but GOD had it under control. It seems the stove broke down the day before so they offered complimentary continental breakfast and amazingly the stove was fixed shortly afterwards. What a mighty GOD we serve. He takes care of those little concerns so we can focus on all the blessings he sets before us. And what a blessing he set before us. We had such a great visit at the hotel and then off to the Anheuser-Busch tour.
It was a fun tour and then came the beer samples. They told us about so many different choices on the tour but when it came to choosing we were all blank. They have a 55 calorie beer not too bad, a blueberry beer - the widows were not too impressed. I personally liked their lime beer. Of course we couldn't begin to drink the two complimentary beers. We would have ended up being really WILD Widows if we had.
Mexican was on the agenda for lunch and the nice young bartender suggested "Rio's". Mighty tasty although our waitress was a little disappointed. She expected some wildness from us. Think the beer finally settled in and we were all ready for a nap.
The trip home ended up being a long process. Our trip planner forgot about Friday evenings on I-25. Slow going but we were entertained by the reactions of people reading our "Widows gone Wild" sign. People would slow down, speed up, wave, a couple of young guys even took a couple of pictures. We're famous! But all good things have to come to an end - oh my that's another song. I think this one was about a wild weed or something. Maybe not one we will sing on our next trip. We said goodbye until next time.Have you ever been to the the Air Force Academy Chapel? Sounds like fun to me...............
I thought politics was off base!
We made it to our hotel. With only 5 "Are we there yet?". And of course all the trucks we passed. Our Matriarch Widows takes her job of flashing our "Widows Gone Wild Watch Out!" sign serious. She didn't miss one! We were driving down I-25 passed one truck and looked in the rearview mirror and the truck was changing lanes and began speeding up. Hummm maybe honking at truck drivers isn't such a good idea. He flashed his phone number for us. Just kidding. If he would have those Wild Widows would have run the other way. Actually he pulled up on the right side and just wanted to read our sign. Whew!
Politics have always been a touchy subject. We don't usually approach it. Being the ornery person I am and knowing our Widows were predominately democrats, we started a coversation about which party is the best. Republicans right? Not according to them. It was four against two. Conversation went from this to abortion to the Pope and things going on in the Catholic church. It was so amazing how we could have this rather heated discussion each with our own ideas and values, most of the time at complete opposite sides and when it was over we all just sat and laughed. No hurt feelings. Wouldn't it be nice if everyday was like that?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Are we ready?
My widows will answer yes to that. They really don't care where it is, just as long as we go together. A mont ago we viewed the most beautiful scenery of Ireland (by way of the movie "Leap Year" and the next week we were in Rome (the movie "When in Rome"). We may not be able to board a plane but we enjoy it all the same. The movies take us to far away places but they always keep our feet on the ground.......
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Where to go and why
Well I am glad my widows are very open to change. Change the date. Change the place. They don't care. You know why? It's not the destination as much as it is the company. Kind of like life, right? You know we talked about the reason we enjoy our trips so much besides the excellent company. We all share one common denonminator. We are widows. We all understand. But most of all we all like to have FUN. Doesn't take much to make us happy. If you ask my widows the highlight of every trip, they will tell you the small ice cream cones they get from McDonalds if they are good. They always are. I guess Ft Collins is our next destination. Most of us have never been to a Budweiser Tour. Sounds like a plan...............
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A bug in the plans.
What do you do when you place your trust in a God who watches over us all and you constantly are asking for guidance in all your plans? Especially when those plans include five other widows who just happen to be grandmas, great-grandmas and one soon to be great-great grandma. Of couse you have to listen to that still small voice right? Well our plans to go to Grand Junction are in question. Now first of all the highway is still being repaired. We could work around that but when I got a call from someone who mentioned some bugs who inhabit beds over there might be a problem it's like GOD are you telling us something. Hummmm, maybe Colorado Springs or Ft. Collins would be a better idea!
Grand Junction here we come
Guess it's time for another overnighter "Widows Gone Wild". During our trip to Yellowstone last summer (we'll tell you about that trip another time) we were blessed to find a couple of hotels with three beds in the room. By then we had added another widow so rooms with two beds just didn't work plus we didn't want to leave anyone out of the fun late night discussions we have. i.e Do you think Jon Bonet's parent's knew who did it? or How about the O. J. Simpson guilty or not discussion?
The Clarion in Grand Junction is our final destination and we are now six. My 2007 Malibu will be left behind and a rental minivan will be our wheels. With the addition of our new widows, we decided to retire our pink boas and visors for.......get ready a new color to be introduced on our trip. As time goes on we will introduce our other widows and tell you a little bit of their story. God has blessed us with some wonderful times and with our group now numbering six it can't help but be a barrel of fun. Are those the words to a song? Will have to google the lyrics and add it to our song list. That's something we have learned helps the miles go by faster. We sing and sing and sing. Don't know much more that the verses to most of them (except of course 100 bottles of beer) but we give it a good try. Better not be any "Are we there yet?'s" though. Those widows can get pretty wild!
The Clarion in Grand Junction is our final destination and we are now six. My 2007 Malibu will be left behind and a rental minivan will be our wheels. With the addition of our new widows, we decided to retire our pink boas and visors for.......get ready a new color to be introduced on our trip. As time goes on we will introduce our other widows and tell you a little bit of their story. God has blessed us with some wonderful times and with our group now numbering six it can't help but be a barrel of fun. Are those the words to a song? Will have to google the lyrics and add it to our song list. That's something we have learned helps the miles go by faster. We sing and sing and sing. Don't know much more that the verses to most of them (except of course 100 bottles of beer) but we give it a good try. Better not be any "Are we there yet?'s" though. Those widows can get pretty wild!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Widows Maiden Trip
Have you ever heard of St Peters, KS? Probably not because today it is not mch more than a few buildings and some farms. Well this was one of our destinations for our first ever "Widows Gone Wild" trip. We left Commerce City and headed out I-70 and accross beautiful Colorado.

All too soon our trip came to an end but not before we discussed our next "Widows Gone Wild" trip!
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