Just a little about the week I became a widow. The third week in May of 2004 had promised to be one of great celebration. Our daughter Jennifer was graduating from the University of Wyoming on Sautrday May 15 and the following week would be our oldest son Jeremy's wedding day. Sandwiched in the middle was our daughter Jamie's 19th birthday. That was how it was supposed to play out. And then the Big C hit. Jim's onocologist set his goal at having Jim healthy enough to go to Jen's graduation and Jeremy and Victoria's wedding. Things began to escalate with the cancer and by Thursday May 13th Jim was in the hospital to get some nourishment through IV's. We knew that was the answer. By this time the graduation was out but wedding was still a goal. Friday after came the news Jim would not be at the wedding. All the while we continued to pray for a miracle. The kids headed to Laramie for the Graduation. Later some friends picked me up and we headed to Laramie for the party. Saturday night we were surrounded by family and friends as Jim spoke his last words. By Monday he was moved to Hospice at Johnson's Corner an absolutely wonderful place. We still had a wedding happening and by Monday afternoon GOD in his infinite wisdom and love told me Wednesday would be my last day spending day and night with Jim. Thursday we would begin the wedding celebration. Little did we know that Wednesday would be Jim's last day here. He died at 9:10 a.m. That day was a day of tears, laughter and love as people came to show their respects for this man and his family. What a whirlwind the next few days were. Thursday memorial plans were made followed by a birthday celebration for Jamie. Wedding rehearsal came Friday night. Saturday was the wedding and a true witness to GOD's grace. We were able to sing, dance, cry but most of all celebrate this union. Sunday brought the memorial in a barn setting - how appropriate.

Wow! I cannot imagine having gone through so much all at one time. Losing a spouse is hard enough, but at least you had reasons to celebrate, and the best part was that the celebrations still went on! I lost my spouse in May of 2007. ( Not sure if I mentioned that on my last comment.) But no matter for circumstances, I too can say God's grace is what got me through it all. Your blog has been an inspiration to me,and this coming week I plan on making a trip (God willing and with His protection) from western NY to KY to visit my sister, alone. Well, not really alone as I know He will be with me the entire trip! God is good!